WP10 Transnational Access to HASYLAB

WP10: Transnational Access to HASYLAB

HASYLAB at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY is located in Hamburg, Germany.
HASYLAB is operating the two installations DORIS III and FLASH. A third installation, PETRA III, will start user operation in the second half of 2009.

User groups who are supported by this proposal are treated exactly the same way as any from other external user. DORIS III and PETRA III are fully available for external users. 48% of the beamtime at FLASH is available to external user groups active in photon science, while the remaining beamtime is used by international and in-house groups active in FEL and accelerator research. The following online access procedure has been established. Twice a year users can apply for the “so-called” HASYLAB projects requiring beamtime at DORIS III or PETRA III. For FLASH experiments a call is announced every two years. A HASYLAB project can have the duration of one or three years. After the evaluation of the proposed HASYLAB project the user group leader can apply for beamtime. The beamtime will be allocated according to the ranking of the HASYLAB project. Thereafter, the user group leader can apply for travel reimbursement. After the experiment the user group is asked to submit a report summarising the results and a list of publications resulting from the experiments. Both are published in the HASYLAB Annual Report.