EGEE III (project successfully completed)

Full Name
The Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project

Start date:

End date:

24 months

Grant Agreement No. / Project Reference No.

Project website

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE-III) is Europe's leading grid computing project, providing a computing support infrastructure for over 10,000 researchers world-wide, from fields as diverse as high energy physics, earth and life sciences.

In 2009 EGEE-III is focused on transitioning to a sustainable operational model, while maintaining reliable services for its users. The resources currently coordinated by EGEE-III will be managed through the European Grid Initiative (EGI) as of 2010. In EGI each country's grid infrastructure will be run by National Grid Initiatives. The adoption of this model will enable the next leap forward in research infrastructures to support collaborative scientific discoveries. EGI will ensure abundant, high-quality computing support for the European and global research community for many years to come.

DESY participation
Service Activity (SA) 1: Grid Operations
(DESY is part of a Joined Research Unit with the beneficiary FZK)

Contact at DESY
Andreas Gellrich (at)
Tel.: +49-40-8998-2732
Fax: +49-40-8994-2732
Technical user support: