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What is FP7? The basics

The research funding programme of the European Union FP7 (7 th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development of the European Union) will last for seven years from 2007 until 2013. The programme has a total budget of over € 50 billion. This represents a substantial increase compared with the previous Framework Programme FP6 (41% at 2004 prices, 63% at current prices), a reflection of the high priority of research in Europe.

It has two main strategic objectives:

  • to strengthen the scientific and technological base of European industry

  • to encourage its international competitiveness, while promoting research that supports EU policies
Funding for Member States and Associated Countries will co-finance research, technological development and demonstration projects. Grants are determined on the basis of calls for proposals and a peer review process.

In order to complement national research programmes, activities funded from FP7 must have a “European added value” such as research projects carried out by consortia from a minimum of 3 Member States. Thus, challenges are so complex they can only be addressed at European level.

But in FP7 there is also a new action for “individual teams” with no obligation for transnational cooperation. In this case, the “European added value” lies in raising the competition between scientists in fundamental “frontier” research from the national to the European level.

How to find your way through

In all EU Member States, in the countries associated with FP7 and in several other countries, National Contact Points ("NCPs") have been set up to give personalized help and advice to researchers and organisations intending to participate. Contact your NCP by phone, fax or email in your national language, and explain your situation and your ideas.