RAMIRI (project successfully completed)

Full Name
Realising and Managing International Research Infrastructures

Start Date:

End Date:

15 months

Grant Agreement No. / Project Reference No.

Project Website

The RAMIRI Project will deliver a boutique Symposium delivered in three European locations that has been carefully designed to deliver the knowledge and contacts base required by those engaged in the area of research infrastructures. Recognising the vital importance of disseminating good practice and shared challenges across the European Research Area, RAMIRI has been designed to provide an annual programme for discussion, learning and networking between senior- and middle-level managers, policymakers and funders across the European Union. Experts from around the world will talk candidly about their experiences, good and bad, in setting up and managing a variety of research facilities both physical and virtual from across the spectrum of the natural and social sciences.

DESY Participation
WP1: Management of Consortium
WP4: Organising the Symposium
WP5: Dissemination of project outputs

Contact at DESY
Tel.: +4940-8998-3612
Fax: +4940-8994-3612